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How to complete your conference registration

Please note that the following instructions apply only to prospective panelists whose papers have already been accepted.

To complete your conference registration

After you receive a notification of the acceptance of your paper or panel proposal, you still need to take the following two steps to complete your registration. Please note, that both steps have to be completed by September 15, 2019.

  1. Pay the conference fee.
  2. Fill in and submit a brief Conference Participant Registration Form.

How to pay the conference fee

You can pay the conference fee either online (via PayPal) or by wire-transfer. We strongly recommend the first option, which is faster, cheaper and more convenient.

To pay the fee online, just click on the appropriate link bellow. Please make sure to make a record of your PayPal Transaction ID as well as the transaction date. If someone else makes the payment of your behalf, make a record of the payee’s name too. You will have to enter this information into the registration form to help us track your payment.

For the regular rate (CZK 1500), use this link.

For the student rate (CZK 750), use this link.

To pay the fee by wire transfer, please ask your bank to make the payment directly to our account. Wire transfer payments can be made in CZK (standard rate: 1500 / student rate: 750), EUR (standard rate: 60 / student rate: 30) or USD (standard rate: 65 / student rate: 35). For our account details click here.

If you pay the conference fee by wire transfer, please take a note of the date of the transaction. Also, if your conference fee is paid by wire transfer from an account held by someone else (e.g. from your department’s account), make sure to take a note of the account holder’s name. You will be asked to enter this information into the registration form to help us track your payment.

Please note that international wire transfers can take up to two weeks to clear. If you want to pay your fee by international wire transfer you should therefore place the payment order no later than September 1.

Conference Participant Registration Form

Since you will be asked to provide details about your conference fee payment in the registration form, you should fill it in only after you have made the payment.

The Registration Form can be accessed here.

Other useful information for the panelists

Submitting an edited or updated version of the paper abstract

All conference paper abstracts will be published on this website before the start of the conference. You can send us an edited version of your abstract via email by October 1. If you decide to use this option, please enter “ABSTRACT UPDATE” into the subject line of your email. Your abstract should be sent as an attachment in .doc, .docx. or .rtf format. The file name should be “yourfirstname_yourlastname_abstract.doc/docx/rtf”(e.g. john_doe_abstract.doc). The text of the updated abstract must include the title of the paper, as well as your name.

Submitting full papers

You do not have to submit a full version of your conference paper before the conference. Nonetheless, if you want to share your ideas with other conference participants, you may submit your paper via email by October 20. If you decide to use this option, please enter “FULL PAPER” into the subject line of your email. Your abstract should be sent as an attachment in .doc, .docx. or .rtf format. The file name should be “yourfirstname_yourlastname_paper.doc/docx/rtf”(e.g. john_doe_paper.doc). The text of the paper must include the title of the paper, as well as your name. Please note that all submitted papers will be published on this website.

Presentation format

Each panelist will be allotted twenty minutes for the presentation plus ten minutes for the subsequent discussion.

Standard presentation equipment will be provided. If you intend to use a visual presentation, you should bring it with you in .ppt or .pptx format on a USB flash-drive. You may also want to consider sending it to use via email at least a week ahead of the start of the conference. If you choose to do so, please enter “PRESENTATION” into the subject line of your email. The file name should be “yourfirstname_yourlastname_presentation.ppt/pptx” (e.g. john_doe_presentation.ppt).

Accommodation and travel information


The conference fee does not include accommodation. We also cannot assist you with booking your accommodation in Prague. Nonetheless, we are negotiating with some reliable hotels in the vicinity of the conference venue to get a special discount for the conference participants. Once the negotiations are concluded, we will post the information on this website.

Travel directions

For detailed travel directions to the conference venue, please see the Venue section of this website.

Passport and visa requirements

The Czech Republic is a member state of the European Union and of the Schengen Area. Citizens of EU and Schengen Area countries, as well as countries that have concluded visa-free travel agreements with the Schengen Area do not need to posses an entry visa. A passport (or, in case of EU citizens, a national ID card) is sufficient. Please note that the passport must be valid for at least 90 days after your planned departure from the Czech Republic. (This condition does not apply to EU nationals.) You also do not have to apply for an entry visa, if you already possess a valid Schengen visa.

For the lists of countries whose nationals are required to possess a valid Schengen visa to enter the Czech Republic and for more detailed information on passport and visa requirements, please see the Czech Ministry of Foreign affairs website.