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Conference Programme

Friday, November 15th


9.00 – 10.00 AM                         Registration

10.00 – 11.30 AM                        Panel Session 1


Room 2.07


1.1: Democracy, Populism, Republicanism I


Max Morris



Lei Letian

Machiavellianism and Emmanuel Macron


Benjamin Schmid

On the Relevance of Niccolò Machiavelli’s Understanding of Time for Contemporary Politics


Stefano Papa

Obsolescence and the Limits of Collective Learning. On The Discourses I, 13

Room 3.26


1.2: Politics, Ethics, Violence I


Brian Smith



Augusto Dolfo

Machiavelli and the Autonomy of Politics Thesis


Zeliha Dişci

The Continuity of Political Power in Machiavelli and the Problem of Sovereignty


Dimitrios Kotroyannos, Stylianos
Ioannis Tzagkarakis

Machiavelli against Machiavellianism: The new “arte dello stato”

Room 2.18


1.3: Historical and Theoretical Debates I


Spartaco Pupo



Matteo Cesare Mario Casiraghi; Francesco Testini

Intellectuals, Politicians and Rhetorical Political Analysis: Machiavelli à la carte in the Italian Parliament 1861-1994


Andrea Di Carlo

Machiavelli and Contemporary Italian Populist Politics: The Prince and The Discourses


Giuseppe Sciara

A Thinker for the Crisis Moments: Political uses of Machiavelli’s Thought from French Revolution to the Second Republic


11.30 AM – 12.00 PM               Coffee Break

12:00 – 1:30 PM                         Panel Session 2


Room 2.07


2.1: Democracy, Populism, Republicanism II


Alessandro Mulieri



Natasha Piano

Machiavelli and the “Modern Machiavellians”: Machiavelli and the Elite Tradition in Contemporary Political Thought


Eric Janec

Machiavelli’s Lessons for Modernity: Normative Realism in Democracy


Miguel Saralegui

The Prince’s Populism

Room 3.26


2.2: Politics, Ethics, Violence II


Gio Maria Tessarolo



Piotr Kimla

Machiavelli’s Timeless Political and Ethical Findings


Monika Mazur-Bubak

Fear and Love – Two Emotions as the Basis of Politics


Alberto Simonetti

Machiavelli Between Reason and Madness

Room 2.18


2.3: Historical and Theoretical Debates II


Andrea Di Carlo



Elizaveta Elisseva

A Man in Politics: From Machiavelli’s definitions of power, freedom and valour through Max Weber theory of management and charisma understanding to practical politics of T. G. Masaryk


Luke Ilott

Michel Foucault, France’s Machiavellian Moment and the Uses of History in Political Thought


Efthimios Karayiannides

Althusser’s New Prince, the ‘Crisis of Marxism’ and the Challenge of Populism

1.30 – 2.30 PM                           Lunch


2.30 – 4.00 PM                           Panel Session 3


Room 2.07


3.1: Democracy, Populism, Republicanism III


Miguel Saralegui



Christopher Holman

Machiavellian Freedom and Equality: The Differing Democratic Conceptions of The Discourses on Livy and The Florentine Histories


Max Morris

The Wisdom and Nature of the People: Leo Strauss and John McCormick on Machiavelli


Alessandro Mulieri

Machiavelli or the Theorist as a Popular Preacher


Camila Vergara

Machiavelli and the Plebeian Power to Create and Punish. Towards a Republican Theory of Constituent Power

Room 3.26


3.2: Politics, Ethics, Violence III


Jakub Franěk



Hugo Tavera Villegas

Machiavelli on Exodus 32: Moses and the combat of envy


Waldemar Hanasz

The Dilemmatic Nature of Politics in Machiavelli´s Thought


Gio Maria Tessarolo

Between Form and Matter: Rethinking Machiavelli’s Concept of Corruption


Brian Smith

Killing the Innocent in the 16th Century and Today

Room 2.18


3.3: Historical and Theoretical Debates III


Matteo Cesare Mario Casiraghi



Matthew Slaboch

The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Lion: An Essay on Machiavelli’s View of History


Spartaco Pupo

History, Political Science, and Trade. The original Machiavelli of David Hume


Phil Harris

Reflections on Machiavelli’s Contribution to Management, Marketing and Public Affairs


Theodore Lai

Time, Virtu and the State of Exception: A Machiavellian Approach to Emergency Powers


Transfer to the Faculty of Arts building


4.30 – 7.00 PM                        Plenary Session I

(Faculty of Arts building, Room 131)

Filippo Del Lucchese

               Democracy and Conflict: A Machiavellian Perspective    

Vittorio Morfino

               The Development of Machiavelli´s Althusserian Reading and its Political Significance


Transfer to the Anglo-American University building


7.30 PM                                      Reception


Saturday, November 16th


9.00 – 10.00 AM                       Panel Session 4

Room 2.07


4.1: Politics and Conflict I


Jan Bíba



Kateřina Kubíková

Machiavelli´s Perfect Republic: Relationship between class conflict and sortition


Carlos Corrochano Pérez

Conflict and Politics: The Relevance of Italian thought from Machiavelli to Esposito

Room 3.26


4.2: Historical and Theoretical Debates IV


Phil Harris



Birte Loschenkohl

“Fit to Rule a Kingdom”: Machiavelli’s Mandragora and political judgment


Adam Smrcz

Freedom and Political Agency in Machiavelli


10.00 – 10.30 AM                   Coffee Break


10.30 – 12.00 PM                    Panel Session 5


Room 2.07


5.1: Politics and Conflict II


Jan Bíba



Luana Maria Alagna

Claude Lefort as Interpreter of Machiavellian Social Conflict


Mattia Di Pierro

Claude Lefort’s Interpretation of Discourses and The Prince: Conflict, power and the people


Emmanuel Charreau

La Boétie with and against Machiavelli : Thinking conflict and desire in contemporary politics with Claude Lefort

Room 3.26


5.2: Machiavelli and IR


Daniela Lenčéš Chalániová



Manjeet Ramgotra

Freedom and the Expansive Republic in Machiavelli’s Political Thought


Tereza Smejkalová

The Role of Violence in Russian Politics and Machiavelli’s Perspective


Pnina Shuker

Machiavelli in the Mirror of the Democratic Struggle with Foreign Intervention


12.00 – 1.00 PM                     Lunch


Transfer to the Faculty of Arts building


1.30 – 5.00 PM                       Plenary Session II

(Faculty of Arts building, Room 131)

   Jeffrey E. Green

            Ten Theses on Machiavelli


   Lawrence Hamilton

            Machiavelli and Modern Democracy


 Yves Winter

            Analysing State Violence: A Machiavellian Frame


Machiavelli Conference Programme